
Lucky adopted Feb 4, 2015 - May 1, 2023

Lucky loved sitting on the wall

Lucky resting on the wall

Lucky the hunter

Lucky relaxing outdoors

Lucky at bedtime

Lucky at bedtime

"On May 1, 2023 Lucky lost his three-month battle against an intestinal tumor. He weighed just 6 pounds, down from 12 pounds. You are truly the smartest, most gentle, loving cat I have ever known and you will be in my heart forever. I will miss our hugs and sitting with you out on the patio every morning after you checked out the yard. R.I.P my precious Lucky.
" --
Daddy Charlie

RIP My beloved Brandy (October 6, 1994 - January 21, 2015)

Brandy the kitten

Brandy in Abington

Brandy in Philly

Brandy on the trip from Philly to Mesa, July 2007

Brandy in Mesa

Brandy in Anthem

Brandy at Age 20

On January 21, 2015 Brandy was diagnosed with a colapsed colon. I cried for two hours. You are so missed my precious little Brandy R.I.P.
Schmaltzy, Latke & Farfle

Schmaltzy, taken too soon in his young life by an anurism

RIP you precious little doggie

Latke Kluger (RIP February 7, 2015)

Farfle Kluger (RIP June 14, 2019)

Farfel and Latke (R.I.P.)

You will always be remembered

You will always be loved
Bonkers, Blunder, Bogus, Blarney & Franklin

R.I.P. Bonkers (5/16/22)

R.I.P. Blunder (5/20/22)

R.I.P. Bogus

Bogus (R.I.P.)

"Blarney was a special dog. He had a great, albeit short, life of 10 years. He gave our family much love, many laughs and always kept an ever vigilant protective watch over us all. Let's all remember him for the best friend that he was. And remember
All dogs go to heaven." --
Daddy Jeff

In Memory of Franklin, the desert tortoise. He had a good appetite for vegetables and strawberries. RIP Franklin who died after injesting weed killer laid by the landscaper.

January 24, 2021 "Amanda our precious pup has passed. She went peacefully and probably is dreaming of her almost 19 years traveling with us all over on bike trips and of course spending her winter months in her homeland Mexico. She was La Reina in our house and lived a wonderful life! We will always remember her and always miss her." --
Mommy Judith

Amanda with her sister Fiona