Dancing Friends

With good friends Carol and David with the owner (in boots) at Fresh BBQ

Fresh BBQ, Scottsdale, AZ

Abbey entertains at Fresh BBQ

Abbey at

Dancing at Desert Ridge Mall to the
Come Back Buddy band
Band Friends
Come Back Buddy band at Desert Ridge Mall
Come Back Buddy band at Anthem CC
Come Back Buddy band at Private Party
Come Back Buddy band at Sun City

The girl with a "golden" voice

Crystal Friends David and Cynthia, Charles and Rowena
Party Friends

Gowri (standing) is always the perfect hostess

Gowri baked ths cake for my 75th birthday

Gowri hosting Christmas

Friends Nirmal M., Rupesh K., Kanchan (Connie) M., and Shefalli K.

Friend Shyam (left) with Rupesh, Kanchan (Connie) and Nirmal behind the bar
Matoya Annual NYE Bash

New Year's house party at Jim and

Jim's magnificent outdoor bar

Pool at Jim's house

Firepit at Jim's house

Birthday Party at
A.S.U. Gammage Golden Gala

Good Friend Nancy

Good Friend Iris

Joan, Iris, Nancy & friend

Iris' son Jared & wife Natalie

Friends Freida & Mike

Nate, Iris, Jared, Natalie
Flagstaff Golf Outing

This is a closet!